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About our founder and lead editor


Dr Carrie Milton BVSc BSc ATE


English – First language

Afrikaans – Second language, fluent, spoken better than written

German – Third language

IsiXhosa – Studied at second-language level, rusty

Norwegian – Basic conversational


Advanced Practitioner's Certificate in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging (University of Liverpool, in progress)

Accredited Text Editor (English)

TEFL Teaching English as a Foreign Language (Global Language Training)

BVSc Bachelor of Veterinary Science (University of Pretoria)

BSc Bachelor of Veterinary Biology (University of Pretoria)


Additional courses


Fundamentals of Indexing (McGillivray, Linnegar & Associates)

Advanced Copy Editing and Proofreading (McGillivray, Linnegar & Associates)

Basic Copy Editing and Proofreading (McGillivray, Linnegar & Associates)

Favourite authors

Roald Dahl

C.S. Lewis

Jostein Gaarder

Baroness Orczy

Victoria Hislop

Brief biography

Carrie grew up in an English household in Cape Town and attended St Cyprian’s School, matriculating in 2005. Thereafter, she spent a gap year as an adventure instructor at a school in Magoebaskloof in the Limpopo province, before moving to Pretoria to study veterinary medicine at the University of Pretoria.


She spent her first year of practice in the bushveld in Limpopo, studying veterinary clinical pathology at Honours level while working part-time. Returning to Cape Town in 2016, she worked as a locum veterinarian at various emergency clinics; covered at the Two Oceans Aquarium for the second half of that year; and completed her TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) qualification after hours. She practised full-time at Sunset Beach Veterinary Clinic between 2017 and 2021, but has been a locum veterinarian since the start of 2022.

She has a wide variety of interests and grew up playing hockey, dancing and singing in the choir. She still enjoys an active and adventurous lifestyle, including regular gym exercise, hiking and adventure sports. She is an alumnus of the Cape Town Youth Choir and dances salsa on a regular basis.

Being a chronic bookworm, she has built up a personal library of about 400 novels, including all but one of Roald Dahl’s published works. Other authors close to her heart include C.S. Lewis, Victoria Hislop, Baroness Orczy and Jostein Gaarder. When she has a quiet day to herself at home, she enjoys cooking and gardening too.

In 2019, she completed a proofreading and copy-editing course through the Professional Editors' Guild (PEG), achieving a high distinction and the highest mark obtained by a course attendee to date. Thereafter, Dr Cathy Robertson took her under her wing and guided her through a PEG mentorship in academic editing.

During 2020, she developed her editing skills further when McGillivray, Linnegar and Associates offered their advanced copy-editing and proofreading course as a webinar series. In August 2020, she sat PEG's inaugural accreditation exam and was one of only 12 editors to pass and earn the title 'Accredited Text Editor (ATE)'.

She finds the work stimulating and thoroughly enjoyable, so if you need a dynamic, passionate and professional editor, indexer, writer or proofreader, don't hesitate to get in touch.

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